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Re^5: Memory shortage

Alex Granovsky


>>Yes it is. Actually it affects the way how OS kernel partitions
>>virtual memory memory. This option may not help if your Linux distro
>>uses pre-linked shared libraries. In the latter case, try to google
>>a bit to find a way to disable pre-linking.

>In this connection what can you tell about SuSE and CentOS? Or how I can know what kind of libraries use these Linuxes?

Some Fedora Core and RHEL-based Linux distributions use pre-linking.
As far as I remember SuSE does not use it while some versions of CentOS (which is based on RHEL source code) could use pre-linking.

>Three years ago I  used SuSE (10.1 or 10.2) too. However at some moment SuSE started to run unknown process. In some minutes after I killed him, it was again running and speed of calculation decreased in 2-3 times. Nobody could understand what for this process is started and what it does. Then I have quarrelled about Linux :-).

Most likely, it was started by the cron daemon. :)


>As for my CPU model I have on 48-core machine four 12-core AMD Opteron Processor 6180 SE 2.50 GHz and CentOS. This system is not so friendly to the user and I would prefer to replace it, if there is more suitable system. I cannot to install driver for CUDA in CentOS (strange problem…).

>Thank you very much for your help!

>    Vyacheslav

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