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Re^7: Firefly-8.0.1 is not running on system with Intel MPI-4.1.X...

Siddheshwar Chopra

Dear Pavel Sir,
Thanks for encouraging me to go elaborately trough the manual. The points I noted from it:

1) I need to provide paths to bin and lib folders.. both for 32 bit Intel MPI..

2) There is a mention of Intel MPI-v3.x in the manual..

The Problem::

So I checked on my system and found that it has ONLY Intel MPI- v4.1.x (32 and 64 bit both) installed... SO I added the paths to 32-bit bin and lib folders.. which were inside ..../impi/
Did I do right?? But the problem persists giving error "Unable to open input file".. File permissions are also proper.

Please help.


On Tue Mar 18 '14 6:35pm, Pavlo Solntsev wrote
>Short answer - no.
>In any case you need a 32-bit library available via $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

>Please, read "Linux MPI implementations" section from the manual.
>Check also "Installing Firefly on an InfiniBand network 64-bit Linux cluster
>with Intel MPI v. 3.x". You can skip configuration InfiniBand and go directly to IntelMPI setup.

>Again, read very carefully the manual and use a search. There is also manual - how to setup FF with OpenMPI. Please, search on this forum.

>On Tue Mar 18 '14 12:37pm, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>>Dear Sir,
>>Please note the configuration of the system on which I have copied the FIREFLY-8.0.1 folder (for Intel MPI version)::
>>64 Bit Cent OS, and with Intel MPI-4.0.X
>>Are there Statically linked versions available for Intel MPI ones?

>>Please help me.

>>On Sun Mar 16 '14 6:01am, Pavlo Solntsev wrote
>>>Dear Siddheshwar.

>>>Please, use the search tool-chain for this site. All you problems were discussed in this forum.
>>>1) Read the manual, specifically command line section (how to run FF)
>>>2) Manual also has example of script how to run FF exactly with IntelMPI. do search.
>>>3) If you can't find answer by using search and/or manual, put EXACT command line or script you use to tun FF.

>>>If you need a help with scripting i may help.

>>>On Sat Mar 15 '14 9:32am, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>>>>Dear Sir,
>>>>I could manage to remove the  "Unable to open input file" error by giving the absolute path to the i/p file.. But now I am struggling with the following persistent error::

>>>>p4_error: semget failed for setnum: 0

>>>>Over the internet I came across "cleanipcs". Please help me..I am unable to progress with my work. This error is repeating everytime; not allowing the program to run.


>>>>On Sat Mar 15 '14 7:27am, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>>>>>Dear Sir,
>>>>>Yes I have read the manual.. Could you please point out the mistake Sir. Perhaps it is a very silly mistake. I am new to Linux and need to stay with it for a while. Please help.


>>>>>On Fri Mar 14 '14 10:06pm, Pavlo Solntsev wrote
>>>>>>Dear Siddheshwar.

>>>>>>Did you consult the manual for Firefly's command line options?

>>>>>>On Fri Mar 14 '14 3:06pm, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>>>>>>>Dear Sir,
>>>>>>>I am running Firefly801 executable file from unzipped ff801 (relatively located) folder. The system has Intel MPI installed on it. I am running an i/p file xyz.inp located inside ff801/INPUT directory using ::

>>>>>>>mpirun -np 2 ./firefly801 -r -f -p -i /path/INPUT/xyz.inp
>>>>>>>But I am getting this error:::


>>>>>>> ON MASTER NODE, ERROR CODE IS : 0x00000001
>>>>>>>    Unable to open input file

>>>>>>>Also please tell how to use -stdext -ex?? What is it used for??


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