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FSF: fatal error no. 0x00000020 in sub SEQOPN on unit 90

Pedro Silva

Dear friends,

I have just installed properly patched Firefly 7.1.G in several new machines running Ubuntu.
I run my jobs with the following syntax:

firefly -i input_file -o output_file -stdext

In most of my machines, I have found that my jobs aborted with this message after a few minutes (anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes):

> FSF: fatal error no. 0x00000020 in sub SEQOPN on unit  90"

I have searched this forum and the only instances found with this error were parallell jobs with wrong syntax. I do have MPICH installed, but all the jobs I have tried to run are  single-processor jobs, therefore I do not think my problem dwells there. I have re-installed mpich-bin anyway.
Any ideas?

Thank you very much!
Pedro Silva

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