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, Re^3: procprg file in combination with SGE

Alex Granovsky

As far as I know, OpenMPI can be compiled with explicit support of SGE.
This means that if you are lucky, you do not need to specify
anything specific to queue system and to the nodes reservation
in command line at all.  

If you are not, you can either ask to recompile OpenMPI
on you cluster, or create proper list of nodes using some scripting.  

E.g., on PBS cluster with Intel MPI one could use something like follows:

#PBS -N ff
#PBS -j oe -l walltime=10:00
. /opt/intel/mpi/3.2.1/bin/
export I_MPI_DEVICE=rdssm
nodes=$(sort -u $PBS_NODEFILE |grep -c ^)
ranks=$(grep -c ^ $PBS_NODEFILE)
#commands commented out below need to be run once for Intel MPI
#echo "MPD_SECRETWORD=nosecrets" > $HOME/.mpd.conf
#chmod 600 $HOME/.mpd.conf
mpdboot -r ssh -n $nodes -f $PBS_NODEFILE
mpiexec -perhost 8 -n $ranks $HOME/firefly -r -f -p -daf 2 -i $HOME/test1.inp -o $HOME/test1.$ranks.out -t /tmp/ffx -ex $HOME

in PBS script. With SGE and OpenMPI, things should be similar enough.

Alex Granovsky

On Tue Feb 8 '11 10:55pm, Jonas Baltrusaitis wrote
>Alex, yes, it's OpenMPI and I am using openmpi FF version

>On Sun Feb 6 '11 11:46pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>>what is the recommended MPI version on this cluster? Is it mpich,
>>or maybe something different like OpenMPI?

>>Alex Granovsky

>>On Sun Feb 6 '11 0:29am, Jonas Baltrusaitis wrote
>>>I am having problems running jobs on SGE cluster. Computes are called compute-x-x. When I submit #$ -pe orte 16, e.g. I would like a job to run on two 8 core nodes, how do I specify that in procgrp file?

>>>local 7 is the first line, but what about the second line? It could be any compute node, e.g. I do not know which one is going to be as SGE is going to assign it. So how do I specify second line in procgrp file?


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