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, Re: Linux and Firefly

Alexei Popov


if you refer to my post here:

be sure this was definitely just a joke.

As to CUDA support under Linux, I hope Alex Granovsky
will answer your question in more details; however,  
under Windows it is at present limited by the MP4(full)
energy jobs. Are you interested in this type of jobs?
If not, you'd not get any benefits even when CUDA-based
MP4 code will be added to Linux version of Firefly.


On Sat Nov 27 '10 12:36pm, Wohlschlager Christian wrote
>I know from your e-mail Dicussion forum ( Linux must Die ).
>But is there a Linux binary for firefly which supports CUDA GPU.I ve a Suse Linux SGI Cluster, with 8 Nvidia Graphic Cards.
>Or is there a schedule for this ?

>thank you


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