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Re: NBO 6.0

Alex Granovsky


As of NBO version 6.0, NBO program runs in the client-server based
model. The host QC program implements a kind of run-time interface
to exchange data with a separate NBO v. 6.0 executable on the fly
using sockets. This interface is not currently supported by Firefly.
This scheme is quite different as compared with the direct
incorporation of NBO code into host QC program, the approach which
was used by NBO version 5 and below.

The link on the NBO 6.0 site is inactive. I think this is because
NBO v. 6.0 is not yet supported by Firefly.

All the best,
Alex Granovsky

On Fri Nov 29 '13 3:43am, Masoud Nahali wrote

>As we have recently purchased the new version of NBO (6.0) (the password and manual) we would like to know whether this version was incorporated in the last version of Firefly or not. In the manual we can see that the v.5.G version was incorporated but on NBO 6.0 webpage "" one can see the announcement that was made by them about FF and NBO 6. Therefore would you please clarify how the new NBO activation key should be used to activate NBO 6 modules !

>Sincerely Yours

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