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Re: openmpi-1.6.4 and mpich2

Alex Granovsky

Dear Antonio,

>Is it possible to run firefly8 with openmpi-1.6.4 and mpich2 compiled for 64-bits?

No, it is not.

You should compile 32-bit shared libraries. It should not be a
problem to have both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries of both MPICH2
and OpenMPI  installed on the same computer system. There are
several posts on the forum describing how to compile a custom
version of MPICH2 or OpenMPI on a 64-bit Linux system. You need
not be a root to compile and install them provided you are
installing libraries into a sub-directory of your home directory.  

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky

On Sun Sep 15 '13 5:48pm, Antonio Carlos Borin wrote
>Dear users,

>Is it possible to run firefly8 with openmpi-1.6.4 and mpich2 compiled for 64-bits?


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