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Re^3: mpich fully STATICALLY linked version of firefly

Alex Granovsky


there are multiple threads on this forum describing how to run
MPICH version of Firefly in parallel. E.g. you can find the following thread useful:

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky

On Mon Feb 6 '12 2:25pm, Slava wrote
>I'm running Firefly on standalone dualcore system (OS - 64bit Linux).
>On Sun Feb 5 '12 7:10pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>>Are you running Firefly on a cluster or on a standalone system?
>>(The answer to your question is "No" in both cases but running
>>mpich binaries on a standalone multi-core system is a bit simpler
>>than on a cluster.

>>Kind regards,
>>Alex Granovsky
>>On Sat Feb 4 '12 7:52pm, Slava wrote
>>>Hi all,

>>>I was able to run firefly in parallel (MPCIH2 dynamically linked version) following simple instructions. I want to do the same for the MPICH statically linked version. As far as I understand, I don't have to install the MPICH library as the binaries are statically linked with MPICH. I am trying to do the same things as in case of dynamically linked version, but the system says it need MPICH to be installed. Am I right? What is the sequence of commands to configure the version under consideration for execution in parallel?

>>>I really appreciate your help. My question may seem to be stupid, but I really don't know the answer because I am not very good at programming.



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