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Re: Firefly 8 beta (openmpi) crashes while performing PCM calculation

Alex Granovsky

Dear Gena,

thanks so much for your bug report. Could you please attach the external basis set file as well?

Kind regards,

On Sat Dec 10 '11 4:34am, Gena wrote
>Dear Alex,

>I've noticed that I get a reproducible crash of Firefly while performing single point RHF calculations with PCM, I use these MOs for CASSCF and XMCQDPT then. I attach input and output file for merocyanine as an example, but I got the same crash after 'INTRODUCTION OF THE SOLVENT' step for other molecules too. I think that important thing is that for smaller molecules there were no problems in identical situation. I get reproducible crashes for rather big molecules (> ~600 basis functions).

>The openmpi message is:

>Stack backtrace

>esp :: 0xfff5019c, ebp :: 0x00000000, eip :: 0x00000000
>eax :: 0x00000000, edx :: 0x00000001
>ecx :: 0x00000007, ebx :: 0x00000035
>esi :: 0x00000cf4, edi :: 0xfff00fc8
>ebp :: 0xffefd3ec, esp :: 0xffefd270
>eip :: 0x0976ed24, eflags :: 0x00210206

>cs  :: 0x0023
>ds  :: 0x002b
>es  :: 0x002b
>ss  :: 0x002b
>fs  :: 0x00d7
>gs  :: 0x0063

>Stack backtrace

>esp :: 0xffefd3ec, ebp :: 0x00000000, eip :: 0x00000000

>Aborting job...

>Aborting job...

>Aborting job...

>Aborting job...

>Aborting job...

>Aborting job...
>mpiexec has exited due to process rank 3 with PID 511 on
>node revolution4ever exiting without calling "finalize". This may
>have caused other processes in the application to be
>terminated by signals sent by mpiexec (as reported here).

>I tried to use other 1.4.5 and 1.4.4 versions of openmpi, but the result was the same. I could not execute Firefly with v. 1.5.4.

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