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Re^2: Error in calculation on two processors

Eldar Mamin

Thanks, it helped

But error

 "FSF: fatal error no. 0x00000020 in sub SEQOPN on unit  10"

arose. And as i see it goes on 1 processor.

out file is attached.

On Sat Nov 6 '10 10:22am, Alex Granovsky wrote

>cleanipcs is your friend :)

>Alex Granovsky

>On Thu Nov 4 '10 7:50pm, Eldar Mamin wrote
>>Dear FireFly users,

>>I perform calculations on cluster.
>>processor:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  X5355  @ 2.66GHz

>>my ff version is  7.1.G download links, Linux MPICH-MX, dynamically linked NPTL-based version

>>MPICH is   mpich-mx-gcc-1.2.7

>>I reserve resoures by command qsub -I -l walltime=00:30:00,nodes=1:ppn=2

>>And then

>> mpirun -np 2 -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE /home/14082010.1407/firefly -i  /home/14082010.1407/De_1411sad_Zmat.inp -o /home/14082010.1407/De_1411sad_Zmat.OUT -t /home/14082010.1407/storefiles -ex /home/14082010.1407/ex/ -r -p -stdext
>>p0_10215:  p4_error: semget failed for setnum: 0
>>p0_10214:  p4_error: semget failed for setnum: 0

>>what does it mean?

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[ De_1411sad_Zmat.OUT ]

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