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Re: mp2 input tuning under Windows 7?

Alex Granovsky

Dear Dr. Monev,

do you have some news on performance tuning of Firefly's MP2 gradient code under Windows 7?

Alex Granovsky

On Sat Aug 1 '09 3:12pm, Valentin Monev wrote
>Dear Professor Granovsky,
>I compared wall times for mp2 optimization runs for two identical pc’s (core i7 cpu 920 6GB ram 2x1TB hdds, hyperthreading and turbo-boost enabled) under windows 7 (RC) and vista (both ultimate, 64 bit). To my surprise, the windows 7 wall times were twice or more greater than the Vista wall times – see attached files (1 input, 2 output files). In addition, running the same input in a row under windows 7, I obtained wildly different wall times. To exclude any hardware problems, I replaced 7 with vista, and the wall times became stable and comparable to those for vista on the other pc. I reinstalled windows 7, this time with the 2 hard disks in raid0 (intel ich10r, enabled write caching, turned off windows write-cache buffer flushing), for additional convenience and performance benefits. Again, wall times became unstable and much longer than those for the vista system.
>As advised by you (http://classic.chem.msu.su/cgi-bin/ceilidh.exe/gran/gamess/forum/?C34df668afbHW-7096-1266+00.htm), I used a single fixed logical processor per core, and the default $smp values (see attached files). [Previously, I had tried using 7 logical processors out of the total 8 available ($smp httfix=.f. httpar=.t. smppar=.t. $end.)  In fact, this was often much faster per point, but overall the gradients tended to decrease faster i.e. final results were obtained faster in the case of just 1 logical processor per core (4 fixed logical processors). Additional benefits of 4 fixed logical processors: a) the pc is loaded just 50nstead of 89řabout 8 degrees centigrade cooler, and the pc is more responsive for interactive work), b) in (next) version G of firefly, “SMT enabled parts of the program” (http://classic.chem.msu.su/cgi-bin/ceilidh.exe/gran/gamess/forum/?C34df668afbHW-7096-1268+00.htm) will further utilize the second (free) logical processor.]
>I tried many combinations of options described in the (new) mp2 documentation. For example, leaving out the line $mp2 ioflgs(1)=65536,65536 ioflgs(3)=65536,65536 $end led to the memory becoming occupied 99°and the pc became totally unfit for interactive work, while the performance issue was even aggravated. Leaving out XDLB=.T., and/or mxbuf=2048, did not help either. Restarting the pc sometimes seemed to worsen the performance, which is strange.
>To summarize, I have no idea what is different in windows 7 relative to vista, but it seems tuning of firefly may be needed for the new operating system.
>Of course I realize that it may be asking too much for you to tune the program for an operating system that is yet to come out in October 2009. But I could run the program with various options suggested by you…
>Thank you in advance.

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