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Re^2: Under OS Server 2008 the out-file remains unchanged until the end of the calculation


Dear Masoud,
thank you very much for your response. I tested your recommendation under WinServer 2008:
1) F5 key doesn't work;
2) PFE32 and other text editors open both out and punch files of course. However I am waiting about 3-8-… minutes when file will be opened because of all cores are busy in calculation;
3) I've tried to use the option "Tail.exe" of Drag & Drop of Garoufalis previously, it works but sometimes after its using my run stops (in WinXP this option work well).

My problem is that sometimes my run cycles and do nothing although all cores works, works, works (under 100% load)…  In results after weekly work or more I have nothing. And my face acquire a sad expression… :)

Probably need to use the second of above mentioned variants...



On Fri Feb 25 '11 10:25pm, Masoud Nahali wrote
>Dear Vyacheslav

>I have not any Win Server here to check it, anyhow please examine the below suggestions :

>1. Use the "F5" key to update the folder which your output file is there.
>2. Use PFE32.exe to read the output files instead of notepad and wordpad. PFE32 is very effective reader especially for large output files.
>3. Use Drag & Drop of Dr. C. S. Garoufalis which has a "Tail.exe" to read the output files during the calculation.
> Best Wishes

> Masoud
>Masoud Nahali, Sharif University of Technology

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