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Re^2: Runing Firefly8


Tried to install as described in the file. It is impossible.
Command failed
 . / configure -- prefix = / home / user / bin / openmpi CFLAGS =-m32 CXXFLAGS =-m32 FFLAGS =-m32 FCFLAGS =-M32
Writes See `config.log 'for more details.
In `config.log 'nothing is clear.
Will create a 64-bit Firefly?

On Fri Nov 9 '12 12:37pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>you need to install 32-bit OpenMPI.


>Kind regards,
>Alex Granovsky
>On Fri Nov 9 '12 7:00am, Serg wrote
>>Trying to run Firefly 8 under Linux (64-bit) gives the following error
>>firefly8.openmpi14.ex: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
>>or we need to run another file them there are several.
>>Openmpi 1.4.5 installed.

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