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Re: Windows 7 is hibernating when FIREFLY is running....

Siddheshwar Chopra

Dear Sir,
The problem is solved. I checked for all the power settings. Everything was proper.. I left the laptop idle, with both the lid closed and open. The laptop won't hibernate.. The problem came up when Firefly was running everytime... So this time I tried again with closed and open lid... When Lid was closed, it hibernated again... But when I left the lid open, the problem vanished.. I m happy now. Will be more happier if someone could give a logical explanation. To me it seems like some BUTTON problem, which triggers the hibernation issue..


On Tue May 21 '13 10:09am, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>Dear Sir,
>I have a strange issue with Windows 7. As FIREFLY vs 8 RC is running, Windows 7 hibernates on its own, EVEN if the power settings are absolutely correct. I have noticed that this is happening only when FIREFLY is running. I am unable to run my programs. Please help. However the same FIREFLY version is installed on Windows XP (Desktop PC) and is working fine.


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