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Re: p4_error: semget failed for setnum 0

Pedro Silva


Export the list of semaphors to a file using

ipcs > file_name

Then, open file_name with your favorite text editor. Delete all lines up to (en including) the text:

"------ Semaphore Arrays --------"

you will be left with a list of semaphores like :

key � � � � semid � � owner � perms nsems
0x3c81b7f6 0 � � � � �pedros � 666 � �1
0xcbc384f8 59375617 � pedros � 600 � �1
0x00000000 244482050 �pedros � 600 � �25
0x00000000 244514819 �pedros � 600 � �25
0x00000000 244547588 �pedros � 600 � �1

the numbers on your "semid" column are the identifications of the semaphores you should kill, using the command ipcrm -s . In the example above I would do the following:

ipcrm -s 244482050
ipcrm -s 244514819
ipcrm -s 244547588

I hope I have not been too confusing :-)

Pedro S.

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