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Documentation updated

Thomas Pijper

Dear Firefly users,

I would like to let you know that the documentation has been updated. Changes are as follows:

- Added a description of the real time data compression used by Firefly
- Added details on calculating gradients with the GUGA CI program
- Added short explanations on how to obtain transition dipole moments from MCSCF calculations, and SS-MCSCF orbitals from SA-MCSCF calculations (taken from the discussion board)
- Completed descriptions for the following keyword groups: $STATPT, $DRT/$CIDRT, $CISORT, $GUGEM, $GUGDIA, $GUGDM, $GUGDM2, $TRFDM2, $LAGRAN, $CIINP
- Various minor changes

The new documentation is available in the "Manuals" section.

Kind regards,

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