Mikhail Pozharov
#PBS -N gamess
#PBS -o /home/pozharovmv/out
#PBS -e /home/pozharovmv/err
#PBS -l walltime=72:00:00
#PBS -q workq
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
# chmod +x /home/pozharovmv/firefly8/firefly8.mpich2.ex
cat $PBS_NODEFILE > cores.txt
mpiexec -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $PROCS /home/pozharovmv/firefly8_linux/firefly8.mpich2.ex -f -r -i /home/pozharovmv/5ClSal-6-311G.inp -o /home/pozharovmv/5ClSal-6-311G.out -ex /home/pozharovmv/firefly8_linux/
However, version 8.0.1 does not have firefly8.mpich2.ex, and the method provided at the site (using chmod a+x ./firefly801) did not help.
I am not very accustomed with Linux, so I'm afraid I'm making some obvious mistake.
Can you, please, tell me how should I modify the script properly?
Yours sincerely,
Mikhail Pozharov
P.S. I am sorry for putting script within the message, but I didn't find a way to attach a file.