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memory availability !

Masoud Nahali


Although issues concern memory usage well discussed in the following link I am confused about
the available memory depends on number of CPUs and type of windows operating systems or not ?!

Let's see a comparison between Win 7 and Win server 2008R2 using FF8.0.0(r23):

Using "MWORDS=250" for both of the following systems I get different messages:

1. Win 7, 64 bit, 8 Gig RAM available, intel corei7, running on 8 cores:

output message:
250,000,000 words of memory UNAVAILABLE !!
Fatal error in mem init, error code =1455

2. Win server 2008R2, 64 bit, 6 Gig RAM available, AMD AM3, running on 4 cores:

output message:
250,000,000 words of memory AVAILABLE !! and running successfully

I appreciate any comment in advance to understand the issue clearly and solve it for the item 1. Best Wishes

                                                                           Ciao, m


Masoud Nahali
International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)
Babol University of Technology (NIT)

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