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Re^4: FF internode fails

Jonas Baltrusaitis


unfortunately I am getting infamous
p4_error: create_procgroup: getpwuid failed: 0

error when I do that. I am using PBS and a submit script for it, so it is unclear how the suggested remedy of

#! /bin/bash
ssh -t -t $HOSTNAME /home/gran/firefly "$@"

can tie in. Could you please elaborate? I attached my common submit script


On Mon Jul 5 '10 4:32pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>by the way, the correct format of procgrp file should be like this one:


local 3
mercury01 4  /home/jbaltrus/ff71g/firefly
mercury02 4  /home/jbaltrus/ff71g/firefly
mercury03 4  /home/jbaltrus/ff71g/firefly


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