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Very time consuming job with 8 cores +HTT

Fumihito Mohri

Dear Firefly users.

Someone has consulted me the following problem with Firefly.
He has a PC with 8 cores + HTT(i.e. logically with 16 cores) and added the key words:.
$SMP httfix=.f. $END
$SMP httpar=.t. $END
$SMP httalt=.t. $END
$P2P P2P=.t. DLB=.t. $END

He says that this job is very time consuming (about 10 times more than GAMESS(US) job), why?. I think that in this case MKLNP should be 8. Is this correct? Are there any other causes for 'time consuming' ? 

Best regards,
Fumihito Mohri

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