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Re^9: How to reduce memory constraints for DFT calculations of say 5th row above elements...? (SOLVED)

Siddheshwar Chopra

Dear Alex,
Yes the job got killed in between. I am again running it..

Kind Regards,

On Mon Jun 16 '14 9:41pm, Alex Granovsky wrote
>On Mon May 5 '14 3:29pm, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>>Dear Pavlo and Alex,
>>Please find attached the output file which I got for MoS2/SBKJC.
>It seems to be truncated. Could you tell me what has happened here?

>Dear Siddheshwar,

>my guess is that your computer was restarted due to some reason, or a Firefly job was killed.

>Kind regards,
>Alex Granovsky

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