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Re^3: huge punch file

Alex Granovsky

Dear Masoud,

> Thanks for your kind attention; Let me know how it works?
> It disappears suddenly and I could not find any option to read
> or copy.
> Also, I think that if it is possible that you add the
> "reading punch" capability to the Firefly code, certainly
> it will be great for us.  Best Regards 

The "end" utility is Windows console application so you need
to run it from the command prompt. If launched without any arguments,
it prints its command-line syntax:

Usage: input_file output_file size_to_copy_in_megabytes

Internally, it uses several calls to Win32 API so it is very
fast and is capable to handle input files of arbitrary size e.g.
10 Gbytes or more in just a fraction of second. It can be used to
copy the end of huge punch files to a temporary file for examination
or editing.

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky

>Masoud Nahali, Sharif University of Technology

>On Mon Mar 7 '11 7:31pm, Alex Granovsky wrote
>>Dear Masoud,


>>I hope this "end" utility will be of some help.

>>Kind regards,
>>Alex Granovsky
>>On Mon Mar 7 '11 4:15pm, Masoud Nahali wrote
>>>Dear Firefly Users

>>>In some cases where punch files are huge, it is impossible to copy VEC section of the punch file to a input file. As I have examined PFE.exe editor works more efficiently than the windows original editors (notepad and wordpad) and it can easily open such files (about 500 MB) but it can't copy the huge VEC section to a input file. Is it possible to read VEC section of a punch file by Firefly without copying the VEC section to a input file ? I appreciate your help in advance.

>>> Best Wishes

>>> Masoud
>>>Masoud Nahali, Sharif University of Technology

[ This message was edited on Thu Mar 10 '11 at 9:31am by the author ]

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