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Re: Settings for FF over Intel MPI with InfiniBand adapters.

Alex Granovsky

Dear Pasha,

thanks so much for very detailed and useful instructions!

I'd only add my two cents:

With Intel MPI over Infiniband, the following additional input
should speed things up:

 $system mxbcst=-1   $end
 $mpi mxgsum=1048576 $end
 $mpi mnpdot=1000000 $end

The first option means that for data broadcast, there will not be
any upper bond enforced on the message size. Effectively, this
allows messages of arbitrary, even very large size.

The second option sets the maximum size of message for collective
MPI operations to 8 megabytes (ca. 1 MegaWord) and allocates the
dedicated buffer for these messages. The default size is much
smaller; however, with fast interconnects and robust MPI
implementations like Intel MPI is, it is beneficial to use
larger sizes. You can play a bit with this option to fine-tune

The last option sets lower bond on the size of "large" vectors,
in words. With Firefly, large means that their size is sufficiently
large to run some BLAS level 1 operations like scalar products
etc... in parallel, rather than duplicate them on every node.

Alex Granovsky

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