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Re: Firefly 8.0.0 and MVAPICH2

Alex Granovsky

Dear Thom,

the version of mvapich2 used to produce Firefly v. 8.0.0 executables
was compiled ca. three years ago so it well may be the case it is
outdated and refers to the wrong libraries.

May I ask you to tar and bzip the entire content of your 32-bit
mvapich2 installation directory (i.e. including libraries, scripts
and headers and other stuff) and then send me the resulting archive
either on the forum or privately.  

I'll then relink Firefly with these libraries and update
distribution on our server. This should solve the problems
you mentioned.

All the best,

On Fri Oct 11 '13 5:59pm, Thomas Pijper wrote
>Dear Alex,

>I'm currently trying to run Firefly for Linux/MVAPICH2 on a Linux cluster with Infiniband interconnects. I've compiled and installed MVAPICH2 2.0a and libipathverbs-1.2, however, I'm unable to get Firefly to work. The error message is as follows:


error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

>Unfortunately, the version installed is As such, I tried to make a symbolic link from so.1.2 to so.10.4. This changed the error message to:


error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

>As such, I would like to ask which version of MVAPICH2 (and which additional libraries) should be used for the Linux/MVAPICH2 version of FF 8.0.0.

>Thanks in advance.
>Kind regards,

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