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Re: Can we restart an improperly shut down calculation???

Alex Granovsky


It is rather straightforward to restart geometry optimization
and numerical hessian jobs. Are these the types of jobs you
are interested in? Please let us know.

Several other types of jobs can be restarted as well but it is more tricky.

A good solution would be to buy an UPS. It would also help protecting
your hardware from damage due to power outages, electrical surges,  noise etc...

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky

On Wed May 15 '13 12:04pm, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>Dear Sir,
>Due to erratic power cuts or other reasons, it is becoming very difficult to restart any calculations everytime.. PLEASE TELL ME is there any way I can RESTART from the same, once the FIREFLY crashes due to such power issue?? It would be a great help appreciated in advance.


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