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Re^5: Firefly's parallel calculation: can't get fully CPU load

Alex Granovsky

Dear Alexey,

this seems like the reincarnation of the Windows 7 core parking bug.

This problem has nothing to do with Firefly. It is a bug in your
Windows version.

For more information, see these threads:

What is the Windows version you are using? Did you install all
the latest fixes, updates and service packs?

Note that a purpose of the $smp smppar keyword was changed since
then so normally you do not need to use it.

Alex Granovsky

On Sat Mar 30 '13 11:05am, Alexey wrote
>In addition to this thread, I've found some strange effect with FireFly 8 for Windows.

>Starting a DFT task with no "$smp httfix=.f. $end" string in SMP parallel mode (-np 2) results in two firefly.exe processes with CPU load 25% for each (total 50%), which is absolutely normaly. But after about 50 hours of calculation, CPU load has changed to 12.5% for each process (total 25%). However, after some time (at least half an hour) the situation has returned back to normal.
>P.S. Direct SCF calculation is enabled (DIRSCF=.t.), so I guess it can't be explained by numerous HDD operations.


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