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Re: Firefly's parallel calculation: can't get fully CPU load

Alex Granovsky


what are the first 200 lines of a typical output of Firefly v. 8.0.0 running on this computer?
In addition, what was the PC GAMESS version and build #, and what is the Firefly version and build #?

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky

On Wed Mar 13 '13 12:10pm, Alexey wrote
>So far I've been used windows version of PC-GAMESS in parallel mode on multi-core CPU (4 cores). It works fine and logical:
> 1 thread  - 25% CPU load (total 25)
> 2 threads - 25+25% CPU load (total 50)
> 3 threads - 25+25+25% CPU load (total 75)
> 4 threads - 25+25+25+25% CPU load (total 100)

>Recently there were some reasons and I've changed PC-GAMESS to FIREFLY 7. But CPU load distribution in parallel mode is the following:
> 1 thread  - 50% CPU load (total 50)
> 2 threads - 25+25% CPU load (total 50)
> 3 threads - 25+12+13% CPU load (total 50)
> 4 threads - 25+8+8+9% CPU load (total 50)

>There's a string "PARALLEL VERSION (UNIFIED) RUNNING USING    4 PROCESSES (NODES)" in the resulting file. The name of .dll for parallel calculations is "mpibind.nt-mpich-smp.dll".

>Who knows what the problem is?

[ This message was edited on Thu Mar 14 '13 at 3:49am by the author ]

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