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Re: AMD Bulldozer keywords/settings

Alex Granovsky

Hi Chris,

For Bulldozer, you do not need to use anything special
as all the required options will be set automatically.
With these CPUs it is good idea to always run on all cores,
despite that the number of FPU engines is two times lesser.

Note these CPUs are extremely slow! While we state that there
is a support of Bulldozer in Firefly's code we only mean that
this code runs faster than non-optimized code while running
on Bulldozer CPUs but do not mean the code runs blazingly fast.

Kind regards,
Alex Granovsky  

On Mon Aug 27 '12 5:37pm, Chrisof Holzer wrote

>since a few days I have access to a system with an AMD Bulldozer CPU (FX-8120). As Firefly 8.0.0 beta supports this CPU I've been playing around with it.
> Now I would like to ask if there are any special keywords/settings/advices (for the $smp group other other groups) that improve performance.
> (Until now I was using the $smp keywords advised for Core i7 CPUs).

>I'm mainly using Win 7 64-bit, but 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 is also installed.

>Thank you very much in advance,

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