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How practically to use given tables VIBRATIONAL-ENTROPY DECOMPOSITION ?,


  Thanks to Slava that he has told to me what numbers are these in column CONTRIBUTION :

         ---------   -------   --------------
            30.48     5.798            7.71
            40.34     5.242            6.97
            45.90     4.987            6.63
            53.18     4.695            6.25
          3741.05     0.000            0.00
          3763.86     0.000            0.00
          3777.52     0.000            0.00
          3779.85     0.000            0.00

   But I asked, not what is it, and how practically these numbers can be used and asked two questions:

   1. How to use the these tables for the characteristic of the calculated frequencies in IR-spectrum?
   2. What, for example, means, that the contribution OH-groups (with frequencies > 3500) in entropy is so
      small ?!

  Unfortunately, I have not received the answers to my questions.
  Perhaps, participants of the Forum will help me.

   With regards,

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