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Direct SCF vs conventional SCF

Denis Zavelev

Hello again!

Perhaps it's stupid question but nevertheless I'd like to ask it...
Today CPUs and GPUs are fast enough and in many cases we can use DIRSCF=.t. thus avoiding using HDDs/SSDs for temporary data read/write and speeding up the computations. From the other side, today's SSDs are fast enough (and many of them can use SATA 3.0) so data transfer speed won't be definitely limiting factor. SSDs are not cheap so I'd like to ask (as I'm choosing new workstation or even 2 workstations) in which cases conventional SCF should be used instead of direct SCF for any reasons? In particular case (workstation + typical task) it's not a problem to test both cases and compare the results, but the situation is not such: I haven't got new workstation yet, so I'd like to know whether I need several SSDs or not.
BTW, is Firefly 8.0.0 able to use more than 3.3Gb of RAM (i.e. up to 3.3Gb/process)?

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