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error - kill firefly process



I try to use statically linked linux version 7.1G, but for all input files my firefly process killed, so out file contain:
TID 3706 caught signal 7, exiting.

Dump of registers follows

eax :: 0x00049914, edx :: 0xffb85198
ecx :: 0xffb73f64, ebx :: 0xffb84f78
esi :: 0xf5f92498, edi :: 0xffb85004
ebp :: 0xffb84fc0, esp :: 0xffb84f5c
eip :: 0xf5f74177, eflags :: 0x00210206

cs  :: 0x0023
ds  :: 0x002b
es  :: 0x002b
ss  :: 0x002b
fs  :: 0x00d7
gs  :: 0x0000

Stack backtrace

esp :: 0xffb84fc0, ebp :: 0x00000002, eip :: 0xf5f7d5fc

if use dinamically linked version with mpich2 (7.1G linux), after add to lib32 mpich and gfortran library I have following at the end of out file:
TID 2788 caught signal 7, exiting.

Dump of registers follows

eax :: 0x00049914, edx :: 0xff90d248
ecx :: 0xff8fc014, ebx :: 0xff90d028
esi :: 0xf64c2498, edi :: 0xff90d0b4
ebp :: 0xff90d070, esp :: 0xff90d00c
eip :: 0xf64a4177, eflags :: 0x00210206

cs  :: 0x0023
ds  :: 0x002b
es  :: 0x002b
ss  :: 0x002b
fs  :: 0x00d7
gs  :: 0x0063

Stack backtrace

esp :: 0xff90d070, ebp :: 0x00000002, eip :: 0xf64ad5fc

linux - ubuntu 10.04.2, processor intel core i7

please help me solve this problem...

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