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Re^2: More advanced problem – p2p fails


we exchange p2p.dll and now in output I see always (regardless of node number in run):

Loading P2P interface library... loaded successfully (version 1.C).
Initializing P2P interface... topology done.

However time of calculation decreases (relatively calculation on one node) only for run on two nodes. For three and more nodes time sharply increases. Loading of network, CPUs, HDDs are very low.
It is observed for different inputs, including one for МР2. The number of processes is specified in a output correctly in all cases.

What is the following step?

On Tue Mar 23 '10 9:54pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>First, you are using shared memory version of p2p library
>(that is currently version 1.9, while TCP/IP version of p2p
>interface is version 1.C or 1.D). Naturally, the shared memory
>version will not work across multiple nodes, and you need to
>use the generic TCP/IP version of p2p. Note, you need to
>disable Windows firewall on all compute nodes.

>Alex Granovsky

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