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Re^2: Conical interestion

Abhineet Agarwal

The input is attached.

Abhineet Agarwal.

On Fri Apr 10 '15 11:55pm, Alex Granovsky wrote

>could you please provide your input and output files?
>Kind regards,
>Alex Granovsky
>On Mon Apr 6 '15 8:56am, Abhineet Agarwal wrote
>>I was searching for a conical intersection between the ground and the first excited state using a three state averaged theory. But I was being given a severe error, the singular angular variable error. Could any one tell me why this error shows up ?

This message contains the 111 kb attachment
[ conic.inp ] Input file

[ This message was edited on Sat Apr 11 '15 at 1:16pm by the author ]

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