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Re: Error: HYDU_create_process

Siddheshwar Chopra

Dear Users,

The problem got solved, by replacing the openmpi 1.1.0.x ones with the mpich1-ssh version binaries.
But I want to inform Alex Sir about a situation.. I was checking all the binaries one by one, and found 8.1.1 (mpich1-ssh) version working successfully on my system. BUT, the same mpich1-ssh binaries of firefly 8.2.0 did not work at all. Am I missing something here or there is some bug?
Alex Sir please look into it.

Thank you all,


On Tue Jun 19 '18 2:59pm, Siddheshwar Chopra wrote
>Dear Alex,
>I am trying to run FIREFLY 8.2.0 (Linux/OpenMPI v. 1.10.x, dynamically linked version) on 64 bit multicore linux  64 bit system. The error is:

>Error: HYDU_create_process (utils/launch/launch.c:75): execvp error on file ./firefly820 (No such file or directory)

>The executable file is well placed in "usr/bin" folder. And the same is added in the PATH too.

>Kind Regards,

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