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Re: Number of states in XMCQDPT2

Igor Polyakov

Hello, Maksim

I'm not Alex, but I'll try to help. First of all, CASSCF state order is not guaranteed to be the correct one=)
Larger effective Hamiltonian dimension should yield more correct results, however for big systems it is simply impractical (high computational effort) to calculate Heff for more than 10-20 states. 2x2 seems to be a bit extreme in the low end because higher states (up to 5 or even more sometimes) can be of influence to the lowest ones. I would recommend to conduct a single large calculation to see the "EIGENVECTORS OF THE EFFECTIVE HAMILTONIAN".
For example for one of my systems:
                     1          2          3          4          5


   1            -0.996755  -0.063006  -0.025667   0.000488   0.007272
   2             0.068939  -0.930901  -0.324050   0.023948   0.052243
   3             0.002769   0.257066  -0.672227   0.680566  -0.104661
   4             0.004256   0.225480  -0.647910  -0.704316   0.166305
   5             0.013621   0.100592   0.148076   0.039046   0.262885
   6            -0.004291  -0.005923  -0.014240  -0.189029  -0.930557
   7            -0.005277   0.019798   0.006718  -0.032537   0.111529
   8             0.036419  -0.043997  -0.013186  -0.042064  -0.102410
   9            -0.008000  -0.005780   0.016341   0.009414   0.020153
  10            -0.008890   0.003653   0.006373  -0.004601  -0.015154

This means that to correctly describe state 3 it is crucial to include state 4. This can also be seen in the CAS-CI states, states 3 and 4 share some large weighted CSF-S

Best regards, Igor

On Fri Dec 23 '16 5:37pm, Maksim Shundalau wrote
>Dear Alex,
>Let's pretend that I calculated two lower states (triplet and singlet) of transient molecule (or radical) at the CASSCF level of theory. I get triplet as a ground state and singlet is only a few tens of cm-1 higher than the triplet.
>How many triplets and singlets should I take in the XMCQDPT2 procedure to get the same sequence of states and trust the results? If I take 2 and 2 (or 10 and 10), I have triplet higher than singlet. Should I take 3 and 2 (or 5 and 2, for example) for triplet and singlet, respectively?
>Kind regards,
>Maksim Shundalau.

[ This message was edited on Sat Dec 24 '16 at 9:00pm by the author ]

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